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☯ Module 1 - The 4 Aura Types
☯ Module 2 - The 9 Centers & 64 Keys
☯ Module 3 - The 7 Authorities
☯ Bonus Module - The 6 Lines
A deep journey through
Human design
with a modern
Gene Keys approach
Here we offer you the most complete, unique in it's kind, foundational approach to the basis of studying a human design chart
The course includes:
☯ Module 1 - The 4 Aura Types:
This module will give you access to your unique aura type.
Each aura type has a strategy, the correct way in which you need to engage with life.
This will provide more ease and flow your business and personal relationships.
☯ Module 2 - The 9 Centers & 64 Keys:
This module will provide deep insight into your main conditioning patterns, shedding light on the shadows that might be making you engage in unfulfilling relationships, friendships and business dynamics.
☯ Module 3 - The 7 Authorities:
This module will endow you with an empowered decision making process.
This process is finely tuned to YOUR unique profile, removing the overthinking, hesitation and frustration from your life.
☯ Bonus Module - The 6 Lines:
The 6 Lines of the hexagram are here to give you specific insights into the unique character that you came here to play.
In other words - they represent the ways in which you are meant to impact the world as well as how the world impacts you.
☯ This is the ultimate course to build a solid foundation of your human design experience.
You will learn how to read the most important aspects of anyones chart, and be ready to apply it and share that knowledge with your friends and family.
☯ All the videos are packed with theory and practical examples you can implement in your life RIGHT NOW.
The content is curated and simplified, so you don't have to listen to hours and hours of lectures on each single topic.
We don't ramble or rant. Just tools and experience.
✔ If you are a beginner or intermediate in Human Design and want to go deeper, with a modern, updated approach on the system, this course is a no brainer.
✔ If you come from a Gene Keys background, and want to delve deeper into Human Design, the unique perspective of this course will be the easiest, most aligned path to do so.
☯ This course will endow you with a profound understanding of yourself and others.
✔ Each person's unique role and gifts.
✔ How each of you can take a more harmonious role in any dynamic.
✔ Where to expect friction and how to handle it in any relationship
What you GET:
5 videos on types:
▽ How to read the basic elements of a chart
▽ What are the aura types
▽ How is each aura unique
▽ What is the correct strategy for your aura
▽ Shadows of each of the types and how to turn them into Gifts
▽ Practical examples in day to day life
8 videos on authorities:
▽ What are the authorities
▽ Hierarchy of authorities
▽ How to make aligned decisions for each type
▽ Shadows of each of the types and how to turn them into gifts
▽ Practical examples in day to day life
36+ videos on the centers:
▽ What are the centers, & how they influence your behaviour and others around you
▽ Defined vs undefined centers
▽ How to decondition yourself from a wrongly conditioned center
▽ What each of the gates on each center means and how does it apply to you and the whole profile
▽ Practical examples in day to day life
7+ videos on the lines:
▽ What are the lines
▽ Personal & transpersonal lines
▽ Coming soon: The 12 profiles
▽ Shadows, Gifts and Wounds of each of the lines
▽ Practical examples in day to day life
All cut into bite sized pieces so you can study even with a little bit of time in the day, at your own pace.
"The short & concise video format makes it so easy to study, i tell myself, lets watch one or two, and end up watching 4. Super Engaging!"
NEW Relaunch price
(new platform!)
Less than 10€ per video!
Installments available!
✔ The Teachers:
Fabrice & Luciano have 8+ years of experience on the systems and 20+ years combined experience on meditation & other spiritual practices.
click the images to learn more
Learn quicker
Learn how to read any chart with ease, and accelerate your study!
No need to sift through tons of books, videos or posts anymore.
Go Deeper
Ideal as a gift
Identify your shadow patterns & how they are blocking your relationships or your financial freedom.
For anyone interested in human design or gene keys and wanting to study deeper.
Give them the gift of wisdom & uniqueness
Contact us on Facebook:
(Click below)
☯ What are the Design Keys?
It is an integrated combination containing the best of the Human design and Gene keys systems.
☯ Why combine them?
Human design provides practical tools to start making changes in your life right now, which can have an immediate beneficial effect. It is a masculine / yang approach.
Gene keys provides depth and long term understanding of your patterns. The essence of the teaching is to slowly polish your shadows into gifts, as you contemplate them. It is a Feminine, / Yin approach.
It is the combination of both that, to our criteria, provides the most balanced and beneficial approach for self development.
Want to learn more?
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